Sunday, 22 January 2012

Oh where has the last week gone!!!!

Well, I haven't been gone far, but the days just seem to blend into each other at the moment.
I have been busy.....mainly sewing, for which I must blog about.

Last year I started a "mystery quilt", which is emailed out in monthly parts, for six months. Anyway, it ends in February, and I had only finished 1/2 of the first month. So lately I have been working hard on catching up. Nearly there.

What else has been happening at Reznplace? Not much knitting action has been going on. No more hexipuffs to add to the basket at the moment. Hopefully in the next few weeks :)

Will be back in the next few days with some photo updates so you can all see what I have been up to.

Off now to catch up on some blog reading, that has fallen by the wayside too.
Looking forward to see what everyone else has been up to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have given you an award today

Shelley @