Sunday, 18 December 2011

Storage Sunday

I love storage and organising stuff, especially in my craft room. So, while I implement new storage plans and ideas (which happen constantly), and when I find something that I love, I will post about it on a Sunday, Storage Sunday.

So for today......
For a long while I have been searching for a way to store my ribbons. I don't use them too often, but they were just bundled (read as thrown) into a large container on a shelf, left to unravel (they do this when you are not watching). So, after many hours searching the internet, I came across this idea here.

Sorry, I don't have a before photo, I am still getting used to this photo taking for blogging thing. So here is the "after" photo.

Ribbon Storage

I used some odd bits of matt board I had lying around. I never would have thought to use this, but wow, it works so well as it is so strong. My matt board pieces are cut to 3" x 2.5". I found an old box lying around and placed the ribbons in the box perfectly. Now they are placed in their own special drawer in my fabric drawer system. Each ribbon is wound around the bobbin and secured with a rubber band. So easy.

Here is a photo of what an individual ribbon bobbin looks like:

ribbon storage 2

What are some of your favourite storage items or organising techniques?

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