As well as sewing for fun, I also do clothing alterations in my local community. At the beginning 0f 2011 I decided to put myself out there and see what happened. To say I was overrun with work would be an understatement.
The only advertising I did was put two small ads in our local newspaper, and drop one flyer into every letter box. The work started flooding.
Of course, there have been busy times and quiet times, but the work trickles in and helps out the family finances.
So here is the finished product of yesterdays work:
Three pairs of jeans hemmed, one pair of 3/4 pants shortened and one tunic top hole fixed.
Now it is Friday and I am hoping that for the next week I will be able to finish my craft room clean up (This started a few months ago).
What is everyone else up to in the lead up to Christmas?
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